Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a dynamic martial art, contact sport, and self-defense system originally formed from the traditional ground-based techniques of judo from Japan. Through the adaptations and teachings of Carlos and Helio Gracie, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu came to be its own art and is now adopted and practiced around the world.

BJJ differs from other martial arts in that it provides solutions for all possible stages of combat. Other disciplines like Tae Kwon Do or Karate focus on striking and rely on a person’s strength and speed to deliver damage, but speed and strength doesn’t matter when you’re on your back. BJJ differs from other martial arts fundamentally. While other martial arts rely heavily on strength and speed, BJJ relies on superior technique and leverage.

Jiu-jitsu, or “gentle art”, teaches an individual to overcome a challenger, no matter his or her size. BJJ accomplishes this by transitioning the fight to the ground where practitioners employ proper technique and leverage one’s own strength to defeat an opponent.



Come and train at one of the best Brazilian jiu-jitsu training programs around, and find out firsthand how BJJ promotes physical fitness, builds character, and is ultimately a way of life.




Self Confidence

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) has influenced people all over the world is by developing and improving the confidence in men, women, and children of all ages and sizes.
BJJ is one of very few martial arts that are called “alive.” This means that the art requires its participants to actually make the techniques work on a resistant opponent. That resistance, that possibility of failure being confronted on a daily basis leads to a greater level of confidence.
When training BJJ, you learn to try things despite the fact that they may not work for you right away. Confronting failure on a daily basis and realizing that failure is simply a learning opportunity and not an end leads participants to see life in a different way.

Weight-Loss and Getting in Shape

One of the first differences you will notice after you begin training is how easy it is to lose weight and keep it off. Jiu jitsu works every muscle in your body so you will notice a difference almost immediately. And the best part is that you will not even notice how hard you are working! One of the most difficult aspects of training for weight-loss is that too easily we focus on how much time we are on the treadmill or how many calories we have burned. But with BJJ, your mind is focused on technique and facing off against your partner instead of staring at a blinking screen of information. In fact, many of the top athletes in the sport actually came to jiu jitsu as a way to lose weight and then discovered a deep love for the sport and made a career out of it.

Stress Relief

If you’ve ever seen the pictures people post after training BJJ, there is always one thing in common – a huge grin! That’s because jiu jitsu is an excellent way to alleviate stress from work and life. Even when you come in to the academy with something weighing on your mind, it is quickly forgotten once you begin to roll. And the aggressive nature of jiu jitsu allows us to let off steam in a controlled atmosphere. Feeling upset with your boss? Frustrated with your partner? The BJJ mat acts as a therapy for many people – a third space where the only things that matter are learning a new technique and trying it out in live sparring. Suddenly the problems we face off the mats don’t seem so insurmountable.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

As you continue your journey along the jiu jitsu path, your mind will begin to open as you better understand both techniques and your own body. Like any sport, technique and strategy are keys to success – and Brazilian jiu jitsu is not any different. Many practitioners compare BJJ to a game of chess, and for good reason! Although jiu jitsu is a martial art and therefore very physical, you cannot discount the mental aspect. It is your mind against another’s and each move determines the outcome. Because of this, we must develop our critical thinking and problem solving skills. What will your next move be? How will your opponent react? Like chess, those at a higher belt can think many moves ahead and the key is to build that mind-body connection.

Self Defense

The first time you step on the mat at a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy you will immediately be aware of how little the average person knows about basic self-defense and the ineffectiveness of our basic instincts. Not to worry! The fundamentals of jiu jitsu are also the basics of self-defense. It is a common misconception that striking will win out when two people get into a brawl, but in actual altercations, punching is not nearly as effective as closing the distance and controlling your opponent. That is why many law enforcement officers go through specialized programs that were developed from BJJ techniques. The reason is because many times, the safest way to diffuse the situation is through BJJ techniques. Of course, the first defense against attack is confidence and knowledge – which you gain and develop as you continue your training.

Humility & Patience

Just like in life, you do not always win in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and sometimes class can be very frustrating when we feel like we are not improving. But we need this challenge as well; otherwise how will we deal with the inevitable disappointments and set-backs we face in life? Although BJJ is an art that allows smaller practitioners to win against larger, stronger opponents, sometimes things do not go our way. In these situations, we learn to address our ego and improve our ability to handle adversity. This develops the strength of our character and our patience. BJJ is not a straight uphill climb to black belt, but a series of improvements and plateaus. It is during these plateaus in our progress that we work on our humility and patience. Without it, success is elusive – both in life and in BJJ.

Flexibility and Mobility

Once again in the domain of physical benefits of Jiu-Jitsu, we have to at least mention flexibility and mobility. after all, we all know someone who turned up to class as brittle as a rock. A couple of years in and they’re now doing cartwheel passes and full splits. There are some enormous physical benefits of rolling and training BJJ in general. Yes, injuries area part of the sport as well, but the benefits of mobility certainly outweigh the small knocks we pick up along the way.

Having fun!

The best part of training in Brazilian jiu jitsu is how much fun the martial art is! There are numerous pictures of people 70, 80, 90 years old that still come in to train. BJJ is a sport you can continue to train throughout life and many people, even though they never compete, continue to show up to train because of how happy it makes them. Walk into any academy and ask a random person why they train, and they will tell you how addictive and fun the sport is. There is a quality to jiu jitsu that keeps people coming back. It is a mix of the effectiveness of the martial art and the culture of BJJ that creates the perfect atmosphere to learn and improve yourself. If you haven’t already, find a school nearby and get started! It is never too late to start having fun.